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Come ho imparato l’inglese gratis

Come ho imparato l’inglese gratis

Se sette anni fa (quando di anni ne avevo solo quattordici) mi avessero detto cheavrei imparato l’inglese alla perfezione, come minimo mi sarei messo a ridere di gusto: invece è successo. Ho lavorato per un anno negli Stati Uniti, non ho problemi a comunicare...

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How to Write a Letter

How to Write a Letter

The key to how to write a letter whether it is in formal, personalor cover format is to communicate in the clearest way possible. In the modern age consisting of email, contact forms, social networking and IM (instant messaging) writing a letter may seem...

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Punctuation Rules In English

Why Bother Learning Punctuation Rules in English? Why should you learn to punctuate in English properly? Many people have made successful careers out of not using the correct punctuation. Well there are several reasons why it is important to learn to...

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Letter Writing Examples

The team at Good Letter Writing have a wealth of experience and have provided a number of our letter writing examples that you can use as a guide or to assess the quality of our work. Please take the time to view some of our letter writing examples below:...

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5 Speaking Rules you need to know!

1. Don't study grammar too much This rule might sound strange to many ESL students, but it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English, then you should try...

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Impara la lingua inglese online

Impara e migliora il tuo inglese con le nostre attività Grazie a LearnEnglish, il sito web ad accesso gratuito progettato dal British Council per studenti adulti, puoi imparare la lingua inglese con facilità. Il sito ti offre centinaia di pagine audio,...

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Learn English Writing

Learn English Writing

Are you ready to learn English writing? This global languages is there everywhere in areas of business and schools. Businessmen negotiating contracts. White-collar workers filing reports. Students learning to how to utilize the language in their education....

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IELTS (International English Language Testing System) è il test più popolare al mondo per certificare la conoscenza della lingua inglese. Nel solo 2013 sono stati effettuati oltre 2.2 milioni di test attraverso oltre 900 centri in più di 130 paesi. IELTS...

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