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letture inglesi

Miti e leggende su come s'impara l'inglese

Quando chiediamo "Come s’impara l’inglese?", o "Qual è il modo migliore per imparare l’inglese?", o anche "Qual è il modo più rapido per imparare l’inglese?", sembra che tutti conoscano la risposta. Ma quanti parlano con cognizione di causa? I consigli...

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The Dark Side of Translation Revision

The Dark Side of Translation Revision

As a result of recent quality assurance standards in the translation industry, many providers of translation services require the systematic revision or editing of translations by a second translator and see this as necessarily beneficial to quality....

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Is every bilingual a translator?

Is every bilingual a translator?

Many people have the capacity to learn a second language. It may be another language in the same country or a totally different language of another country. Nowadays, several institutes and schools offering foreign language courses are popping up throughout...

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The Value of Translation

The Value of Translation

It is hard to embark on a career in translation without guansi, or connections, in the Chinese society. The so-called guansi resembles a network of people, where referrals of translations can be directed. Student translators studying in the home country...

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Do ya think I'm sexy - Rod Stewart

Lei siede da sola aspettando un suggerimento Lui è così nervoso ed evita le domande Le labbra di lui sono secche, il cuore di lei batte delicatamente Non sai esattamente cosa stanno pensando Se vuoi il mio corpo e pensi che io sia sexy Dai dolcezza dimostramelo...

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Hotel California - Eagles

Su un'autostrada buia e deserta, Con il vento fresco tra i capelli Un caldo profumo di colitas, Si solleva nell'aria Più avanti in lontananza, vidi una luce scintillante La mia testa divenne pesante e la mia vista si indebolì Dovetti fermarmi per la notte...

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Why we don’t like English classes

Why we don’t like English classes

English classes are the most popular way in which people study English. They are so amazingly popular that most people do not even think about how to learn English. The process is automatic: I want to learn English, so I sign up for an English course....

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English makes you feel good

English makes you feel good

If you have read our article “Why learn English”, you already know that English can improve your life. It can let you get smarter, meet people, earn more money, etc. But have you ever wondered how it would feel to know English well? Imagine... You’re...

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